~Two Sessions of TECC Special Global Seminar~ 【HR Basics of Hiring people~Start and grow a successful business】

This is a two-part series, but you can register for one session at a time. Please enter the date of the seminar you wish to attend in the “Preferred Seminar Date” box. (Please enter the date of your choice in the “Preferred Seminar Date” box.)
If you wish to attend all sessions, please enter all dates in the “Preferred Seminar Dates” field.
This seminar will be held using online tools.
(Details will be sent to your email before starting seminar.)
※Language English※
■Seminar Summary
This seminar is targeted at non-Japanese speaking managers, HR staffs and professionals. Explaining basic key points of employment laws and social security system in Japan.
■Dates and times
▶1st : February 2nd. 2022 (Wed) 12:00-13:00
Basics of human resource management for startup businesses (Part 1)
1.Hiring people
2.Key points of Employment laws in Japan
▶2nd : February 21th. 2022 (Mon) 12:00-13:00
Basics of human resource management for startup businesses (Part 2)
1.Termination of employment
2.Rules on Payrolls, Bonuses, Annual salary system
3.Social securities in Japan
4.Major law amendments in 2022
5.References in different languages
100 people
Tetsuro Kurata
TECC Consultant Labor & Social Security Attorney (LSSA)
Having worked for US based manufacturer, IT Consulting firm, etc.
Focusing now on HR consulting for Foreign based organizations, preparing English Work Rules, etc. Utilizing International business experience, practicing as globally focused LSSA.