


This seminar will be held using online tools.

(Details will be sent to your email before starting seminar.)


Topics to know when launching a business in Japan!
Covering knowledge of subsidies and current working methods in Japan that business owners should know

(1) Subsidy/Grant information provided by Japanese Government!

(2) Basic knowledge aboutJapanese labor laws!


(1) Subsidy/Grant information provided by Japanese Government!
Guidance of the way Japanese banks think about loan application explaining the template of loan application of JFC as an example, plus several basic issues to be included in the application and the explanation about why they are needed.

Kawai sensei would like to share the information related to LOANS & SUBSIDIES not only to Deal with COVID-19 but normal cases.

▼Recommended for
・Foreigners who is considering to start own business in Japan.
・Foreigners who has already started up own business.


Hiroshi Kawai, certified SME consultant

Mr. Kawai has worked in one of the largest Japanese banks and spent 18 years in Europe as the representative.
Mr. Kawai has also worked for TOSBEC(Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center) as a advisory consultant


(2) Basic knowledge aboutJapanese labor laws!
As labor problems become more universal with the advance of globalization in recent years, there is a growing need for global corporations which starting businesses in Japan to understand differences of Japanese labour laws between Japan and other countries.

Mori sensei would like to share the information related to labor problems about Dismissal, Working Hours ,Payment,Labor contracts etc.

▼Recommended for
・Foreigners who is considering to start own business in Japan.
・Foreigners who has already started up own business.

2020/08/18(Tue) 19:15-20:15

Masato Mori, Attorney at law lawyer (Bengo-shi)in Japan.

Partner in Musashino law office (Kichijoji,Tokyo)
Mr. Mori has also worked for TECC(Tokyo employment counseling Center) as a advisory consultant .
