

Typical and contemporary labor management challenges faced by global companies in japan(人事・労務に関する最新労働法セミナーⅡ)

Organizer :  Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (TECC)


Co-organizers :Japan External Trade Organization, JETRO

Date : Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

Time : 10:00-11:30(including Q & A time)

    Registration open 9:30

Venue :  JETRO room “IBSC Hall”,

ARK Mori Building JETRO 7F, 1-12-32, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo,

Access :  click here for the map https://tecc.mhlw.go.jp/english/

Fee :Free of charge

Language :  English

Theme:“Typical and contemporary labor management challenges faced by global companies in japan”

~Advice on practical and preventive measures to take against labor management-associated troubles~


In the Japanese market, both many global companies and more non-Japanese self-employed business owners, who have recently come to Japan to start their businesses, are operating businesses. For active global business players like them, a human resource department (HR) is playing an increasingly crucial role due to the recent revisions to Japanese labor law to manage and resolve more complex labor management issues.

In this seminar, we will discuss some of the typical and contemporary labor management challenges global corporate management, HR managers, and non-Japanese self-employers frequently face with in various cases (eg. expiration of long-term leaves due to personal injury and illness, and potential termination of employment contracts and dismissals). We will explain practical and preventive measures to take against associated labor management troubles.

After the seminar, TECC lawyers and social insurance attorneys will respond to questions about employment and labor issues other than themes at individual consultations.

application:For an application, visit below dedicated form which is available in English .


The 2nd labor law Seminar 2020


日 程 :2020年2月25日(火)10:00~11:30

会 場 :JETRO IBSC Hall

対 象 :外資系企業の経営者・日本拠点におけるマネージャー・人事労務担当者、従業員、外国人起業家等



テーマ :グローバル企業の経営者や人事担当者が直面する典型的かつ現代に固有の労務課題について


言語   英語

共 催  JETRO



