


■This seminar will be held using online tools.

(Details will be sent to your email before the seminar starts.)

Language: English

▼Recommended for

・Foreigners who are planning to or are interested in opening a business in Tokyo.

Part one

Are you interested in starting a business in Japan You should take advantage of various kinds of subsidies provided for non-Japanese nationals. In this webinar, we will introduce some major examples of public subsidies that can be helpful when you are starting a business in Japan. We will also introduce the main providers of such subsidies that can also provide relevant assistance (consultation, etc.), such as the national and the local governments and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Feel free to ask any related questions!

Part two

It makes sense that as your business grows, you’re going to need to hire an employee to handle the additional responsibilities. However, Japanese labor laws are really different from the other countries, and the Japanese recruitment system with it’s strict recruitment schedules seems to strange to many foreigners.

>When: When do companies hire graduates? Hiring process in Japan.

>Where: Where recruiter can source a staff in Japan?

>What: What are the types of contracts?

In this seminar, Mr.Tasturo Fujita will talk about recruitment using 5W1H, and address each of the W and H to help you have a better understanding of the Japan’s unique hiring style and labor laws.


February 8th, 2021 (Mon) 6:00 PM-8:00 PM


Tetsuro Mori SME consultant

Tetsuro Mori has been working for 20+ years as a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Management Consultant certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI) of Japan. He studied International area studies and economics in Japan and Chinese language in college and natural resource economics in a US professional school as a US State Dept. exchange student. He has worked as a writer for economic periodicals and data books, including Kaiishashikihou (Japan Company Handbook and as an auditor and consultant on environmental and social responsibility info audits at some registrars in Japan. Previously, he taught environmental accounting at Chuo Graduate School of Accounting (now closed). As an accomplished writer, he has published books on corporate responsibility, natural resource economics. Now, at the Tokyo One-stop Business Establishment Center, he is helping visitors interested in starting a business in Japan.

Tatsuro Fujita



Tatsuro Fujita had several years of experience working on a patent firm and specializes in intellectual property law (including legal issues about information technology). On the other hand, so far, he also has had much experiences of dealing with legal issues about labor management both employers and employees have.

Register here(English)
